Display The Shortest Path in Maze Games
The shortest path is shown in RED color, indicating the best solution. Your moves are displayed in BLUE color on the same map, making it easy to compare.
The game uses a special algorithm called Breadth-First Search (BFS) to calculate the shortest path from start to end. BFS is a method that explores all possible paths layer by layer, starting from the initial position. It checks each neighboring block, one step at a time, and keeps track of all the possible routes. When it reaches the exit, it backtracks to find the path that took the fewest steps. This ensures that the path found is the shortest possible route through the maze.
Once the shortest path is determined, it is highlighted on the maze in a distinct color (e.g., red) to show you the most efficient way to reach the exit. This highlighted path is known as the “Best Path,” as it represents the minimum number of moves required to solve the maze.