{{ round.protected }}
{{ round.current }}
{{ round.private }}
{{ roundAction() }}

How to Play?

Get three of your marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row.


1. Turn-taking: Players alternate turns, with the "X" player going first.

2. Marking the Grid: On each turn, the player places their mark (X or O) on any empty space on the grid.

3. Winning Condition: A player wins by placing three of their marks in a row. The row can be:

  • Horizontal: 3 marks in the same row.
  • Vertical: 3 marks in the same column.
  • Diagonal: 3 marks in a diagonal line (either top-left to bottom-right or top-right to bottom-left).

4. Draw (Tie) Condition: If all spaces on the grid are filled and no player has three marks in a row, the game ends in a draw.

5. Game Over: The game ends when:

  • One player wins by aligning three marks in a row.
  • All spaces are filled and no one has won (a draw).

Tips for Play:

  • Start in the center or corners: The center and corners offer more opportunities for creating multiple winning lines.
  • Block your opponent: If your opponent is about to complete a row, try to block them by placing your mark in that spot.


This game requires a desktop device with a minimum width of 768px. Please adjust your screen size or use a compatible device to play.

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